This Baby Bat Is Crying For Help; But Guess Who Comes To Rescue Him? (Amazing Videos)

When a baby bat was recently stranded outside someone’s home, animal welfare organization wanted to help him, but they needed help from mama bat.

They put the baby bat on the floor and moved away leaving a camera close by to capture the event.

Bats often get a bad rap as creepy, blood-sucking denizens of the night. But the truth is far from it.

The mother bat flew in circles for minutes trying to locate her lost baby. 

After she saw him; she...

landed right by his side and struggled to get a firm grip of him and simple flew away with her baby like i’ve never seen before! 

Now this is the farthest thing from a cold blood-sucking creature you’ll ever see. 

Watch the clip below and if you agree, share this amazing story with your friends on Facebook!