This Horse Collapsed In The Middle Of New York But The Reason Why Will Infuriate You !!

This footage was released a while ago and it created serious controversy, to the point where it made headlines on several news channels!

A carriage horse collapsed in the middle of New York city; leaving many people in shock and disbelief !  

Carriage horses are very popular in NYC and since carriage rides have become so popular, this has become a lucrative business for the horse owners.

This one particular horse, had been working nonstop for long hours with no break or water; getting to the point on exhaustion !

This infuriated many, including the woman who was… 

recording this video who kept on insulting the people responsible.

Eventually they managed to get the horse to stand up and recover, but not before it was all caught on tape! The owner was later questioned about this matter and he never said anything.

Watch this video below, comment whether or not you think this form of transportation should stop or if you think it should change. Share this video with your friends who love animals so they can spread the message and hopefully help these horses!