This Man Trained This Seagull To Do A Trick That Will Blow Your Mind !! (Extreme Creatures)

This genius of a man was taking a casual walk around when he stumbled upon a couple of hungry seagulls looking for food. 

They were two ordinary seagulls; only one of them has a very special talent that will not only make you laugh but will also definitely amaze you! 

The man noticed that as he pulled out a piece of food; one of the seagulls appeared to be more excited than the other one, so he decided to attempt to teach the seagull a trick.

By holding out a piece of food; he spoke to the seagull and to his surprise and everyone else’s; the seagull answered with some ridiculously… 

funny dancing moves you need to see to believe! It wouldn’t be so bad having this little guy as a pet don’t you think?

The chances of something this random and amazing happening are slim, let alone getting it all on camera!

Watch the clip below, comment your thoughts and opinion in the commenting section below the clip and share this incredible video with your friends on social media!