Woman Finds Street Dog With 6 Puppies; Looks Closer And Sees Tiny Hand Sticking Out Among Them.


(Via: the animal bible)

We’ve heard many stories of humans saving animals from different dangerous situations. But sometimes the roles are reversed.

One day a woman heard muffled cries coming from somewhere in the vicinity of the parking lot just outside her home.

When she caught sight of a dog and her puppies – she also noticed something else by the dog’s side. A small creature that had two legs rather than four.

The maternal instincts of animals are strong. In addition, dogs are some of the most intelligent and loving animals we have by our side, and they can easily read if we are sad, angry, happy or just need some extra closeness.

They can also show great empathy and consideration – not just for their own species.

This is Puti the street dog. She had just 

given birth to several small puppies. But for a dog living on the street it isn’t so easy being a mom. Food is scarce, and both other street dogs and humans alike go out of their way to do harm to the little ones.

This unbelievable event took place in the country of Argentina back in 2013, and it still continues to amaze us all!

Dog with a heart of gold

But even though Puti is a street dog, she proves that dogs have a lot of empathy – not just for their own puppies.

It was the middle of winter when Alejandra Griffa, who lived nearby, heard muffled cries outside her window. She went outside to investigate – and when Alejandra reached the street dog, she saw something shocking.

A tiny human baby

Huddled close to Puti and her puppies was a one month old baby. The baby’s 33-year-old mom 

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had left her to die out in the winter cold – but Puti was determined to stop that from happening.

The homeless dog took on the tiny baby like a real mamma and held her tight against the winter cold, to keep the little one as warm as possible.

Alejandra picked up the baby and took her straight to the hospital where they were able to confirm that the baby would recover well.

Thank goodness Puti was there like the good dog mamma she was and saved the tiny baby from certain death. We don’t know what happened to Puti after her rescue – but I hope she found a loving home that treats her the same way she treated that helpless little baby.


Found the mom

Puti’s amazing act really shows a dog’s empathy and good instincts.

After carrying out an investigation, the local authorities managed to find the baby’s mom who was suffering from severe depression. CNN reports that the mom has now sought pyschological help.

Dogs never fail to amaze me. Share this article with your friends on Facebook if you agree! 

Below is the news report ( in Spanish ) about this incredible mother dog!