He Complained Of Severe Pain Under His Tongue; 5 days Later This Happened !!

This man who, by the name of the youtube channel where this video was uploaded, is named Brandon Douglas, had been complaining of a sharp pain coming from his tongue!

As awkward as this may sound, his pain was no joke; for he had something that although not widely known, isn’t uncommon.

Underneath his tongue, he developed something called a salivary duct stone which was obstructing one of his salivary glands!

he claims to have no clue as to how it got there, and with good reason; given that its cause is not known. 

According to heathline.com : "Salivary duct stones are masses of crystallized minerals that form in the tubes that saliva passes through after it’s made in your salivary glands. The condition is 

also known as sialolithiasis. The stone is often referred to as salivary duct calculus and mainly occurs in middle-aged adults. It’s the most common cause of blockage in the salivary ducts."

"Because salivary duct stones cause mouth pain, both doctors and dentists can diagnose this condition and provide medical treatment if necessary. Although the stones rarely cause serious problems and can often be treated at home."

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We know that it contains calcium and they form when some chemicals in the saliva accumulate in the duct or gland for extended periods of time.

The stones cause no symptoms as they form, but if they reach a size that blocks the duct, saliva backs up into the gland, causing pain and swelling. 

You may feel the pain off and on, and it may get progressively worse. Inflammation and infection within the affected gland may follow.

In this particular case, he decided to try and get it out on his own, which isn’t always the smartest thing to do but luckily he managed to squeeze it out by using his own tongue to apply pressure on the duct.

These factors, though not exclusively can contribute to the formation of salivary duct stones:

1- taking medications, such as blood pressure drugs and antihistamines, which reduce the amount of saliva produced by your glands.

2- being dehydrated, as this makes your saliva more concentrated.

3- not eating enough food, which causes a decrease in saliva production.

Watch the video below, comment your thoughts and opinion on the matter and make sure to share this with your friends so they know what to look for if this were to happen to them!