Popular Energy Drink Took This Girl’s Life; Doctors Warn The Public About...


Her name is Lanna Hamann, a 16 year old teenager who traveled with her friends and parents to Mexico, only to experience the unimaginable!

During her vacation, she was drinking energy drinks instead of water and suddenly she suffered a massive and fatal heart attack!

Her family was left in mourning and desperate to know how in the world a young and healthy looking girl would die so suddenly and inexplicably! 

The cause of her death was later confirmed to have been due to the consumption of energy drinks.

No one knows for sure how… 

many of these energy drinks (or which ones exactly) she drank, yet the simple fact that she died is reason enough to be concerned, especially if it’s a product of such high demand and easy access !

Though not officially confirmed, anonymous sources claim she spent the day drinking Red Bull and Monster energy drinks, leading to tachycardia and eventually a heart attack!

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According to caffeineinformer.com, the continuous consumption of energy drinks can have severe and consequences on the human body. 

They’ve highlighted fourteen major dangers related to energy drinks and they include: 

1- Cardiac Arrest

2- Headaches and Migraines

3- Increased Anxiety

4- Insomnia

5- Type 2 Diabetes

6- Drug Interaction

7- Addiction

8- Risky behavior

9- Jitters and Nervousness

10- Vomiting

11- Allergic Reactions

12- High Blood Pressure

13- Niacin Overdose

14- Stress Hormone Release

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Her friends couldn’t believe her death and now they said they’ll never drink energy drinks ever again!

Let’s face it, energy drinks are not getting banned any time soon if ever, but you can avoid them and protect yourself and your family.

Watch the video below, comment your thoughts and opinion on the matter, and share this with your friends who drink too much of these energy drinks and potentially help them reconsider next time the want one!