Have You Ever Accidentally Bought A Horse? Well This Guy Did And His Story Will Crack You Up !!

This historical video is from a show called: Would i lie to you? and it features a guy by the name of Kevin Bridges who accidentally bought a horse!

Now at first this might sound a bit strange and perhaps even vague and untrue, but as elaborates on the story youll come to realize he actually did buy it.

He claims to have thought he was actually renting the horse for 25 minutes instead of buying it, but when he came back to return it, the guy who sold it to him was gone!

The show guests go on a rant and turn this story into one of the funniest TV moments ever! 

This is the type of story that 

is better to watch than be told, so watch it below and if you enjoy it, make sure to share it with your friends so they can also have a laugh!

Remember next time you go rent a horse, make sure youre not buying it!