The Famous Paper Umbrellas Are 100% Handmade And The Process Is Just Incredible !!


Oil paper umbrellas originated in China, and eventually spread all throughout Asia. They were created with the practical purpose of protecting people from the rain, but they soon took symbolic significance.

They’ve been incorporated in numerous ceremonies and rituals which many of us have seen in movies and some of us have experienced first hand.

The process of making these umbrellas is fairly straightforward, yet what makes them so unique is not only the fact they’re created entirely by hand; but they also come in such a wide variety of colors and designs that it’s impossible not to notice them.

You may be asking yourself; if they’re made from paper, why don’t they get damaged by the rain?

Well, the makers of these remarkable and beautiful umbrellas use a… 

type of oil to coat them which basically makes them durable and 100% waterproof. 

The video below shows in more detail how these incredibly beautiful handmade umbrellas are created. make sure to comment what you thought of the video and share this article with your friends to see what they think :)