Nobody Knows What Little Gymnastic Can Do: Then She Turns Around And Shocks Everyone! 


         Here's a name to keep in mind: Uliana Travkina.  she's only at the age of 11,  has a sunny talent for gymnastics. 

You may not have heard of her yet, but we can probably expect Uliana to be a member of the OS scene in a few years.

Hard to beat!

Her flexibility really captures the attention of the whole audience and it is hard to believe that it is possible for a human body to be so flexible! 

Now her gymnastics and talent has become a viral snack - and you will understand why. 

We almost… 

feel sorry for her competitors, who will try to outperform this performance.

Born with talent

Do you tell your muscles when you bend yourself to rub your fingers with our toes? 

Do not worry, it's for most of us. Once you've seen this clip, we promise you will laugh at your attempts at mobility training and stretching.


Unfortunately, for us stiff "olds" it's too late to bet on an Olympic medal, so we simply have to hope that our children or grandchildren prove to have the right physique and agility. 

We do not really know when Uliana started her career in gymnastics, but it is obvious that she was born with a gift and with very elastic joints.

Uliana may have a great natural talent, but we are still convinced that there are many hours of hard training behind her amazing show. 

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