She Clearly Hit The $8 Million Jackpot But The Casino Refused to Pay Her! Here's What They Said.

It was a dream come true for Veronica Castillo. The Portland, Oregon woman had crossed the border into Washington State to gamble at one of their famous casinos. While not a big gambler, Castillo was hoping to have some fun playing the slots with her elderly mother.

Then something miraculous happened. Castillo won a more than $8 million jackpot. 

But before she could move from her seat and collect her winnings, the casino’s bosses and a group of large bouncer-type bodyguards swarmed Castillo’s slot machine and informed her that she wouldn’t be getting her multi-million-dollar jackpot when she was taking the trip from Portland to Rochester, Washington on November 5, Castillo and her mother were excited to spend the day gambling together at the Lucky Eagle Casino.

Castillo didn’t know which machine to pick so she randomly chose a video game called Jurassic Riches because she thought the dinosaur characters looked cute.

After a few minutes, the machine went crazy, lights flashed, and it made loud sounds. Then it informed Castillo that she had won nearly $8.5 million.

But less than five minutes later…

all of Castillo’s excitement and joy was sucked away. The casino made sure she didn’t get the money she won.