Two Elderly Tourists Were Stuck In The Mud; But What This Man Did Next Will Make You Wanna Hug Him!!

Two tourists were somewhere in Thailand taking photos and footage of the surrounding areas when they realized they went to far into a mud pit and got stuck there! 

Their attempts to free themselves were useless and they were already exhausted. 

Thankfully this thai man was passing by and saw them in distress and he knew exactly what to do. 

He first removed the… 

tourists equipment to dry land and then came back for the elderly couple. 

He tried to pull them out with his hand but it was nearly impossible; so then he did the unimaginable! He laid face down on the mud pit and told the tourists to get on top of him and try to get out. 

This amazing act of kindness saved the lives of this couple and he is now a hero in the eyes of many! Thank you for saving them we appreciate and love what you did for them! 

Watch the emotional video below and don’t forget to share it with your friends on Facebook!