What These Robbers Are Doing To These People Can Easily Happen To You. (Shocking Video)

This type of robbery has been around for quite some time, it’s called sliding.

The robbers, who are labeled as “sliders”, are crafty, and take advantage of human distraction to steal pocket books and purses from women at gas stations.

Sliders are being caught on camera all across the country, and many people are being affected by the new crime burst.  Read on to learn how these criminals attack, and how to prevent yourself from being robbed.

Sliders always attack at gas stations, typically when their victim is pumping gas for the vehicle.

When a person pulls up to the pump, two scenarios typically happen, either they start pumping gas, or they go to the mini mart to buy an item.  

When a woman arrives, the sliders get ready, and once they leave the seat of their car, they snag whatever they can from inside.

Most of the time, the victim does not even know she is being robbed, and the slider is in and out before they can even tell.

There have also been many cases of a woman seeing the slider pull their stunt, and the woman may start chasing after the vehicle, however they are never able to get their belongings back because the slider is already driving away by the time they notice.

The best way to protect yourself from these types of crimes is to always lock your vehicle if you leave it, even if it is just for a quick stop at the gas station.

Keeping your valuables with you as well as locking them or hiding them in your vehicle will decrease the chances of you being robbed.

Share this story with your friends to make them aware, and help them stay safe.